July 18, 2008

New pin, furniture catolog, and nightclub construction!

Hey guys!
The new pin is out, and it is a treble cleff at the cave.
The new furniture catolog came out too!
and last but not least, there is some construction going on in the nightclub... it must mean that the new DJ game is coming out soon!
I would have taken pics of this all, but for some odd reason my computer isnt letting me take screenshots anymore! How wierd is that?? But anyway, it would be great if anyone thats part of the site could take screenshots and post it all for me, but you don't have to cause I already posted said it all.
Well, c ya!


tutso said...

i will do ALL your screenshots! only if you want though

tutso said...

hi hi hi boogly boogly gogootgjfpougcfbngocfgnpf'

to all people what i did above is what you are never supposed to do. its pointless

Pinkiwinki9 said...

lol tutso.. thanx, i would LUV for you to do my screenshots. so whenever there is a cheat or something, you can take a screenshot and post it! thanks again!!

tutso said...


Pinkiwinki9 said...


Outtacntrll said...

awesome blog

Pinkiwinki9 said...

thnx outta!

Anonymous said...

Nice site. Why don't you check out mine.

Btw can you add me to your blogroll.

ahaze97 said...

hey pinki

Moogasa said...

Hey peeps! I just made a cool new site so if u could plz plz plz, CHECK IT OUT:
