July 06, 2008

I'm back!

Hey guys, I'm back!!!!!
I will catch up on everything in the next couple of days with my blog and stuff. Calefornia was fun. Ok so far 4 people are part of my blog. (Including me) I will only allow 1 more person to enter, so you better hurry up if you want to be part of my blog!! So far the people are:

Ahaze97, a great friend that I am happy to have as part of my blog

Tutso, a great friend that really helped me make blog get better when I first started it

and Bioclaw, a really nice person that I don't know quite as well as Tutso and Ahaze, but I am glad to have him part of my blog cause he is so nice.

Ok so Bioclaw, ahaze and tutso, i will send you guys an email to give you jobs and stuff... here is one rule though: only i am allowed to post and change the blog; you are allowed to email me pics of parties or anything like that so that i can post it.
Congrats ahaze, tutso and bioclaw!!!