May 30, 2008

Anvil Pin

Hey guys, there is a new pin in the Boiler room, just letting you know.

May 29, 2008

Funny Looking dog!!

Hey guys, Funny looking dog, huh? Who can guess what breed it is? If you know, post your answer and I will post the winners. C ya!

What is it?

Hey guys, I decided that I would do a game. Try and guess what animal this is, and when you think you know it post what you think it is. I will post the winners later. This one is kinda easy, as you can see, but what the heck, its the first one so I decided to make it easy. Good luck!

May 13, 2008

Server Clue


May 11, 2008


Hey guys,
I know that alot of you go on the Clubpenguin Gang site, and that you guys love figuring out his clues and stuff. I decided that I am going to do that too. It will be exactly like mimo's clues: I will post clues for the place, time, date and server, and whoever figures them out gets to come to the party. I am working on a clue right now. I can't wait to meet you guys!

Mimo Party

Hey guys, the Mimo777 party will be happening in about an hour.

If you haven't figured out the clues yet, here they are:

Place: Dock

Server: Chinook

Time: 11:30

Date: Today (Kinda wierd to have a party on mothers day, huh?

I won't be there because today me and my family are going to my Grandparents house for mothers day. But i'll be at the next party!! Hope you guys have a good time at the party!


May 08, 2008

Club penguin

Hey guys,

I have been playing around with this site and now I at least get how to use it. I think that im going to make this about clubpenguin cheats and stuff. It would be sort of like Mimo's site, but DONT WORRY... I would never copy off of his site. And I think that I might do parties and stuff just like Mimo does. What do you guys think? Oh and by the way, the picture on the right is where I live. Isn't it beautiful?


Hey guys, how ya doin? I just started this blog thingy. I have NO idea what i'm doing!! LOL! Can anyone help me??!!??