July 15, 2008

CP on DS!!

Hi guys, CP will be on DS soon! The only thing is we have to wait till Christmas time... oh well..
I don't really mind that cause I don't have a DS now, but i'm pretty sure i'm getting one for Christmas! That is sooo cool that you'll be able to play CP on DS!!


tutso said...

i have one but i had to wait a while to get it. my dad might buy it for me. but i think he will be on a trip

we dont celebrate christmas cuz were not christian

Redfooteye said...

i have A DS but i dont think we can chat on that game!

Redfooteye said...

hey pinki brownie lives in illinois (close to me acctually!) my county is by his county!

Pinkiwinki9 said...

really red? thats cool! have you guys ever met?

Pinkiwinki9 said...

ya tutso my family isnt christian either, but we still celebrate christmas just for fun. we dont really have a religion, cuz we believe in some parts of almost every religion but some parts we dont.