August 21, 2008


OH NO there is a hurricane in florida (where i live) and its hitting us directly right now and the roof in my garage is leaking so i went to check it out and AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! the water had gone in the attic and the plaster fell off! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! luckily there is a piece of wood under he plaster but still, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Man its doing more damage then charlie the category 3 hurricane that hit us a couple years ago. and this one is only a tropical storm. well i guess it depends where it is. right on you or your just getting the edges. but in my defense charlie only knocked down our tree, not our roof.


Redfooteye said...

thats sad!

Pinkiwinki9 said...


Stapi101 said...

eh its not so sad. now the birds room roof is leaking. we have 6 birds and there cage is too big to keep anywhere else

Moogasa said...

:o im so sorry for you. Luckily where I live, there are no hurricanes! hehe


Stapi101 said...

eh its not so bad. its not raining so much any more. ive been through tons of hurricanes. its fun actually. you dont have to go to school. the bad thing is that you have to make up the dayz u missed

Stapi101 said...

there was 2 dayz when we were supposed to have no school in september, now that holiday dosent exist

Stapi101 said...

he he. dont do that. do not follow my example. DO NOT

Pinkiwinki9 said...

ha i followed your example.

Stapi101 said...

he he

ahaze97 said...

I ABSOLUTLEY HATE HURRICANES! I wish Florida didn't have as many as it does have EVERY YEAR! We have hurricane season from July to November I think.