June 21, 2008

Earthquake, Furniture Catolog and New Pin

Hey guys, THERE IS AN EARTHQUAKE IN CLUB PENGUIN!!!!! I totally think it's caused by Klutzy, and that crab snooping around the cave and pool was Klutzy. What do you think? I bet in the next mission we will have to straighten things out.

Also, there is a new furniture catolog! The cheats are above.
And, there is a new basketball pin at the pizza parlor on the oven. Cool!!
I can't wait for the next mission!


Outtacntrll said...


The Bioclaw said...


sorry lol, I forgot to add you to my blogroll... Ill do it now! Bye! Oh and by the way, check out my site,I am having a party and have posted the first clue! Bye!

- Bioclaw, CPD President

tutso said...

ON CLUB PENGUIN ROCKERS I AM NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS! you want to be one? just read about it! -tutso

ahaze97 said...

Pinkiwinki, Tutso and I were on IM and we talked about how nice you are. You are one of the nicest people I know about. If you go to the 10 Party Tutso is having, I might see you.